how can a place which cares for species that are endangered. rears em, brings new life to em, helps them live happily and away from baiting and stuff like that be cruel???
zoos are not all like the concrete and rusted steel ones of eastern russia yknow. zoos have their place in the worlds ecological myre and furthermore, the kidz love em and its educational. dublin zoo used to be appalling but its great now.
last week a 19 yr old "thrillseeker" girl scaled 2 9 foot fences in order to pet and stroke a siberian tiger. she got mauled badly and almost lost an arm. the tiger is at the moment facing the bullet!!! its the fucking eejit of a girl that should be wiped off the face of the world..... dont reckon the tiger will pay for his natural instinct to be honest, they would be uproar.