I've taken these ssris: zoloft, paxil, prozac, effexor, remeron (a doozie)
I've taken these anti-psychotic/anxiety: valium, wellbutrin, klonopin, xanax
I think ssris should only be used in certain dire situations. far, far too many get on these drugs for far, far too long & they are just as zombifying & soul-sucking as hard drugs...& without the pleasure. It's all such a dirty high.
no one knows how ssris "work" & what the long term effects are; it's in the pdr. most of the time it's trial & error, as one is prescribed a cocktail based upon incompetent sit-down sessions. I only took ssris when I absolutely had to for the purpose of preventing suicide. The anti-anxiety/anti-psychotics I took as recreational drugs.