I understand what you mean, then. I guess that would have to do with logistics and budget in this case. Given that most of them live in New York (Okkyung not so much these days, though) or the USA, and there aren't many funds for these types of shows at The Stone (even tickets are kinda cheap), that would make sense. Sometimes there are exceptions and people like Keiji Haino have played there.
I do have the impression Okkyung Lee tends to play with any musician from any scene if she happens to have the chance (whether they are widely known or not). Festival Music Unlimited 27 "The Most Beautiful Noise in the World" she curated in November of last year looked pretty interesting and revelatory from here. She has just performed for the first time with JD Zazie in Berlin a couple of days ago. Here's a video of her with Irena Tomažin, which is really awesome. Not sure it would illustrate my point, but I think you might like it if you've never seen it before:
Maja Ratkje will be curating a week residency at The Stone in November. Whether or not she'll bring some people from the Norwegian scene or end up playing with those New Yorkers, it all would look pretty interesting to me (just in the same way as these Okkyung Lee curated performances).