03.21.2014, 08:15 AM
expwy. to yr skull
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 1,928
good stuff in vice about britain turning into a militarized police state
we're only half way through the conservative "austerity" agenda, which is the redistribution of wealth and funds back upwards to the elites. this progresses in tandem with the further destruction of an already demoralized and exhausted middle class. couple that with a moribund economy and the kind of narco nightmare degeneracy that these articles describe will accelerate.
it won't get as bad as mexico, where most of this crap is produced, but a lot more people will be killed for cocaine which is beloved by amateurs too stupid to care or understand its neuro toxicity.
the kids in these articles are the "entrepreneurs" whose "self starting motivation" and "get up and go" enables them to "compete on the free market". they are the real of the tory fantasy that the proles can just energize themselves and magically generate capital through "hard work" and all that other propagandistic bullshit they use to keep their wage slave classes guilty and subservient.
the problem is that these gun weilding scarface wannabes won't be murdering and looting anyone but the rest of the working classes and some scattered remnants of the middle classes. we'll all suffer because of the tory agenda, which has FAILED economically and has reverted to faking the stats to make it look like its working.