natural tobacco is better than the factory shit for sure, but it's still a drug cash crop no? you probably could grow some medicinal herbs-- valerian for sleep, chamomile for inflammation… don't you have some druid to teach you what's for what around your parts? tobacco grows wild about here but it's used for religious stuff (gives you a "clear head"). people use it but don't get addicted to it-- it's different than the plantation stuff.
anyway, more, i just realized:
i drive an old reliable truck. it's a gas guzzler but it's necessary around here. however, i'm learning to do repairs. recently we changed the u-joints and saved probably $600 vs a mechanic, and the other day i changed the oil (oil changes are cake). next thing up is a break service-- that should be good learning.
i go to town only once a week to save mileage-- keep all the errands organized.
i don't buy anything on credit--credit is for suckers & megasuckers & for people who don't really need it. i don't need "miles" derived from other people's misery.
i keep an emergency fund so i don't have to borrow money when shit strikes.
this might sound obvious to people outside the usa, but i very rarely throw away food-- everything gets eaten unless it's rotten. americans throw away food by the fuckload. i love food and i'm efficient.
i never buy at thrift stores. instead i keep my clothes until they disintegrate and become cleaning rags. the cost per use is lower than buying pre-disintegrated clothes at hipster prices.