Originally Posted by evollove
Ug. More sucking. There really is a huge difference between quality of life and quantity, isn't there? After a point, is one more day a blessing or just a burden?
This is the existential struggle that is no different when folks are 15, 55, or 95, how to simply enjoy living? THIS is what people get into religion and philosophy for, to help find some sense of purpose and meaning to life. The purpose of life is to live well with others, and learn over time to live well with yourself. If that takes God to make ones feel valued, that is one route, if folks feel they can find internal value without the help of God(s) that is cool too, but finding peace within ones' self is the penultimate goal of life. Religion isn't about finding what is wrong with other people, its about finding and healing what is wrong with yourself, and those who try and misuse religion to prop up their egos are really only riding for a fall..
Originally Posted by pony
the mugs i adore because no one is going to steal ugly mugs.

No, but there are a lot of motherfuckers that break what they refuse to steal
Either way, happy birthday yo, like Jimi said, "I wish you peace, love, and happiness.. happiness..happiness.."