Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
All of the days and hours that turn into the moments leading up to a loved one dying......soon time won't matter anymore.
The final moments......
I was at work Wednesday night when my mom called saying the nursing home called the family in. Because we were short staffed, I couldn't leave work. My wife and 12 year old daughter (turning 12 today - Happy Birthday 80) went in my place to be with my mom and her brother.
Throughout the night, my wife would text me updates. As each hour passed, his pulse, blood-pressure and breathing slowed / lowered.
At 5:52 Thursday morning, my wife texted: he is gone.
I got off work at 7am and made it to the nursing home thirty minutes later. My Grandfather was still in his bed and the family was sitting around waiting for the funeral home to come pick up the body. In a odd way, it was comforting to sit with his body for thirty minutes.
Drove my mom to the funeral home about this time yesterday to meet her brother and make final arrangements. Visitation this evening and the funeral tomorrow morning.