Yes, the last (and always the most erudite) of Da Brudders has passed on to the great CBGBs in the sky, after losing his battle with bile duct cancer:
What else can you say about a man whose no-nonsense, stripped down drumming inspired countless bands once that vaunted "punk" business broke out? And remember he joined the Ramones after getting infuriated with hearing countless John Bonham copyist dullards at auditions, and ended up saying, "no,
this is what we want!".
OK, so yeah, I know to many people, the Ramones were all about Joey, Johnny and Dee Dee, but without Tommy's vital input, the Ramones wouldn't have ended up sounding the way they did. So then, RIP Tommy, and here's a good way to remember him by, in the days before Seymour Stein could be found staggering around claiming he "discovered" punk: