Originally Posted by !@#$%!
emma you are so cool. i mean some annoying yuppie brat would be whining because mommy's not going to get her a new phone. boo hoo. but you actually are a decent human being. props.
I didn't want a new phone at all. Sure mines not the newest technology but it works fine and I've got a good plan.
Plus all my phone numbers are in there, and I was not looking forward to tracking people down for their numbers hahah. I'm lazy like that.
Originally Posted by Cantankerous
I hate my phone. i have a drug dealer's old phone number apparently.
I can see how that would be annoying hahaha.
I'd try to make friends with the people who were calling then say "Well, when you do get a hold of Mr. Drug Dealer, make sure to give me a call and we'll hang out."