Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I don't know, I think the idea that an individual has the capability of having some supernatural powers in terms of creativity that lasts throughout their lifetime doesn't have any proof other than media obituaries and journalists (who else?) trying to ride on their subject's peaks to make a name for themselves.
I was using the term "supernatural" the way Morrissey used it to describe Sandie Shaw's beauty - a hyperbole, not a believe in anything actually supernatural which sure as hell I don't have.
Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Robin Williams' acting abilities were poor but entertaining.
Strongly disagree.
Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Btw, I think Al Pacino sucks too.
I stopped caring about Pacino when he got addicted to tanning (DUDE, you're ORANGE), but that was one solid performance by him on
Phil Spector.