Originally Posted by Derek
it's about a lot of things. we are consistently governed by a right wing government when the majority of people here are left leaning, as the english middle class outweigh our vote. our left wing party labour has also been a centrist party since tony blair since they also need to cater to the right wing middle classes, so we are left unrepresented and totally disenfranchised. england is also slowly privatising public services and it will soon be too much of a burden for us to have things like the nhs and low tuition fees as england falls further away from such things.
i'm voting yes because i'm a young student who has trouble finding work and has absolutely zero hope for the future. independence won't be perfect but we need something other than the status quo and independence is rich in opportunity that westminster doesn't provide.
oh i see now what you meant by this being what leftists want. this makes sense. don't know enough about the issues to understand the full repercussions, but i get it.
also, you get to keep your oil money, and if oil prices keep going up, reserves won't run out soon as people say. higher prices = higher reserves as they make more sources viable. (this is how the usa now has vast reserves -- shale oil became cost effective)