As a bunch of AFC fans I hope y'all were over celebrating that critical beatdown of the patriots last night! Every single second, every miscue, every bad play, every punt, every turnover, that game was priceless! It was as perfect a game as was the seattle beatdown of broncos in superbowl. Fuck close games, when it comes to brady or manning watching them get blown out is something special to be savored. Im adding that chiefs game to my list of all time great brady losses ive had the pleasure to behold with the ravrns 2009 divisional game 33-14 massacre and the 2013 AFC game 31-14 (both IN FOXBOROUGH MIND YOU!!) was left laying flat on his back after the game humiliated yet again by ravens on his own field.. great memories! Did y'all dee the belicheck post game press,conference? That was almost better than the game itself

like my mang suggs said 2years ago, "take that ypu arrogant fucks!"