01.22.2015, 01:51 AM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 18,510
Originally Posted by Nefeli
no, i dont imply that people who dont go public about their illness arent brave.
one thing doesnt mean the other.
and i know how one can be private about these situations, for one reason i am like that. also i have high empathy, so explaining why one wants to do other or the other thing while being sick and/or having lost a beloved one, is unnecessary.
i have little knowledge on Kim Fowley and frankly some vibes of him probably arent of my taste.
i watched only a couple of mins of it
and i thought of bravery, because people and our society has still taboos about certain diseases- cancer was not long ago still a taboo- and getting old and ugly. so getting it out there is like a reminder to the rest of us, not only about the disease and life etc but also about how lonely it can get and that we shouldnt turn out backs to old and/or sick people*.
* edit - unless they want to be left alone.
i have experiences on both cases and on the extreme sides; one wanted to be left alone, only with the company of his wife and the other family want all the people they can have around them and in all times.
and another edit, coz it seems i get hypersensitive with these stuff and probably took it too personally. i know what you meant, i might have felt it before myself, but i think that in these situations, saying one thing, doesnt imply the other. all kinds of different behaviors/reactions to serious illness/loss of beloved person, seem natural to me.
Sorry. My post sounded like I was having a go at you when I definitely wasn't. And you're obviously right: saying one person is brave for doing something doesn't automatically imply that someone in a similar situation who doesn't, isn't.