Believe it or not this was actually REALLY FUCKING GOOD.. the CGI was a bit much but it more or less worked.. I liked how the plot was different than the original Godzilla movies, it was still a morality play about the dangers of nuclear technology but in an entirely different way than the originals..
the production was great, the acting not so bad, and the premise interesting.
I also watched..

The Cell which was also really good accept for the total shit casting. I mean, really, it was like the 2000 Ravens with Trent Dilfer.. the plot and imagery was entertaining enough to overcome the terrible cast. Dilfer was a "game managing" QB who really sucked but Ravens defense was all-time good so they won the Superbowl. This movie was similar, what was good about it was good enough to overcome its terrible cast. This was that Vince Vaughn limbo before he was officially type casted as a party animal (and rightfully so, as a "serious" actor the guy is total shite)