^^ rob knows his stuff!!
back in my grad school days (lol, i used to be smart) i was in a handful of search committees, plus i hired some people directly.
i can easily overlook a loud tie as long as the person tried, but attitude is #1.
once we were interviewing for a dean job and there were 2 finalists. one was pretty deadpan and a little cynical and promised the daily grind. the other was inspiring about where he wasnted to take things. #2 got the job. after things unfolder later maybe it would have been better for the grim workaday cynic to have had the post, but interviewing is SALES.
when i had to hire an assistant, there was one who hwas supersmart & very well put together but struck me as ultimately too self-involved, "what's in it for me" and she sort of took for granted the job would be hers. i went instead for the one with filflops and less self-confidence but who was more, well, how can i put this, wiilling to take orders. every job has different needs and matching them to a person's abilities is a little like an RPG-- different skills get different jobs done.
for my business i've hired contractors and it's the same thing.
one time i had 2 candidates for a job. one was great had all the qualifications and training but interviewed basically saying that he didn't really want the job or something. fuck! another was good just not as great but was supernice and likeable. guess who we hired. the guy who gave the bad interview wrote back later saying that he was sorry that he really wanted the job but i said damn dude the job was yours if you had only asked for it but we already gave it to someone else. the one we hired actually worked out great & later became a friend.