Well, thanks SB... I've been functional enough. Where I come from, people don't fix up houses for free

- and we're investing in our future as well. But yes, thank you. Feels great to be working hard and getting a bit of recognition for it after years of doing 5th grade math for multinationals.
But in response to your question:
Who needs it? Ah, well. Listen, all I'll say is this... If people "need" Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull... If people "needed" 3 terrible Star Wars films that nearly killed the film franchise, and still feel that they "need" 3 goddamn more so badly that they're willing to accept the ultra modern, edgy vision of a completely new director hired only because of his ability to rejuvenate the franchise's main cinematic nemesis... If people "need" Batman so badly that they're willing to risk sullying not one but TWO franchises by sticking Ben Affleck in a Fucking Bat suit....
If people "need" any of this shit, then the entire idea of need has lost its meaning. Fuck need. I want it. I want to see what Ridley Scott has planned for a continuation of his best film.
And, you know, it's not a reboot. That would be very strange indeed, since part of what makes Blade Runner so brilliant is what the film did with the limited technology of the time. Pulling a "Robo-cop" with such a revered film would such all the life out of the original. (I liked the new Robo-cop actually, but that's neither here nor there)....
It's a fucking sequel! And in some ways in wondering what the hell might be done to make such a thing worth while myself. But if Ford likes it, and Gosling is signed on (he's one of the best actors of his era, dammit. "Hey girl" or no "hey girl") and Ridley's pumped about it, then I'm fucking dying to see why.
Blade Runner was not really a true adaptation of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Perhaps this film will tie the story of the book in with the existing film. Perhaps it will act as a Godfather II style ½ prequel ½ sequel. Maybe it will just make shit up. Whatever happens, it seems to be a done deal. If it's gonna happen, I can't imagine not being excited about it.