Oh yeah, and I have smoked for YEARS.
I started in my teens and quickly went up to a pack a day or more. Slowed down in my late 20's. Now I have a really fucked relationship with nicotine. I probably don't "need" it anymore, but I still smoke a cig in the morning and before bed, and I buy patches and cut them in half and wear them every other day. Why? Because I fucking love smoking and I love nicotine. I only stopped smoking regularly because I did the math and decided I was looking at lung cancer being an inevitability if i kept up. Also, it's not the '90s anymore. Nobody smokes these days. If you smell like smoke in a professional environment, you're probably going to be among the first to get the axe when budget cuts are made.
So I wake up, smoke in my smoking clothes, remove said clothes and put them in an empty closet, take a shower, put on clean clothes, go to work, come home, put on my smoking clothes, smoke, change into clean pajamas, brush my teeth and wash my hands so my girlfriend doesn't have to smell my nasty ass and go to bed.
Soooo... I guess I probably AM an addict if cigarettes count, cause even I can see that this behavior is utterly insane.