Agreed, agreed, yes.
I thought Christian Bale was an excellent pick for the role considering the tone of the Nolan films. It was kind of a "no bad acting allowed" situation. No risks could be taken (except .. y'know.. Katie Holmes. Ick.) Even though Christian Bale never really screamed "Batman!" at me in any way, he's such a committed actor, capable of so much, that even though the role wasn't very meaty compared to others in the series (Ledger, of course, and Gary Oldman's Commissioner Gordon was really excellent - should have earned him a supporting actor nod at least once), Bale still somehow made both Batman and Bruce Wayne work very well. I know Michael Keaton's the fan favorite, but his Bruce Wayne was shit. Bale wins.
About Affleck, he's at his best when he's playing straight roles, or absurd ones. He was lovable in Good Will Hunting, and fun in Dogma, but in Gone Girl he was just passable. I expect that kind of performance here.
And yeah, he looks super Affleck-y in the Batsuit. Especially in the straight-ahead shots. Borderline dumb. But whatever. Assuming he's not going to top Bale, and just letting that be what it is, I think it could work.
Gal Godot should be excellent. She is gorgeous and talented and badass.
I just really hope this doesn't kill off Superman, or ruin the chances of a proper Man of Steel II. I seem to be only of the only people alive who thought that was just an excellent modem day Superman story. It pisses me off that everyone complains about how it's "too dark" when the chief complaint about Superman films for so long was that they weren't dark or gritty or realistic enough! There was absolutely nothing wrong with that film. I was sure Zach Snyder was going to mutilate the character, but for me, it was as perfect a Superman film as Dark Knight was a Batman film. It just rock, and clung to the integrity and ideals of the character without being old fashioned.
Anyway, not sure how I feel about Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg and all that. Seems as though if that's all going to be thrown in there, they might as well just call this thing The Justice League, and have it be the "origin story" of the cinematic version of the group.
Buy I'm still so goddamn pumped for this. This will be the... Eighth Batman film I've seen on opening day, the tenth DC film I've seen on opening day. I love for this shit. Basically, my life is about work, family, music and batman and superman films.