Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
oh good you have a more realistic interpretation of !@#$!, he IS generally more intelligent than that BUT he is always game to get himself way in over his head in a trolling battle.
I don't do troll battles. Unless they're with you.
What !@#$! said irritated me because it was so out of character it was not event believable.. He and I go back a bit. We're "friends." At least, we're as close to such a thing as is possible in a place like this. So I do think I have a realistic interpretarion of the guy, but that shit was a fail. Slambang needs to learn a thing or two about trolling if he's going to troll.

Slamba-- actually, fuck it, "Slambang" was a term of endearment. So
Symbols Guy.
If'n it pleases m'lord.