Originally Posted by Severian
What !@#$! said irritated me because it was so out of character it was not event believable..
that's exactly how i felt about your asinine evaluation of a movie that went over your head
i mean you spend countless pages discussing the ins and outs of movies about men in tights, but for a great film adaptation of a great play with the best role ever for f. murray abraham, a fantastic score, spectacular cinematography and an insane period recreation through sets and costumes, and even operas on display, all to serve a mythical-level depiction of envy and jealousy and resentment in the face of genius that has left its mark in the culture---and all you have to say is "blah"?
maybe if mozart wore a gold cape and salieri had radioactive tentacles coming out of his head and they fought over cgi backgrounds you'd offer some analysis
i'm not saying liking it is mandatory, as tastes vary wildly; but to dismiss this huge work so overconfidently betrays massive ignorance for someone who wants to write about film. or, in the words of omar little, come at the king, you best not miss.