Originally Posted by !@#$%!
just heard HRC speaking in michigan via washington post stream
okay, she's not supercharismatic like bill, that's for sure. she speaks in long complex sentences. she'd have a hard time being a celebrity. she's never going to be an entertainer.
but fuck, i like what she's saying. she's got a good program-- just heard the last part of wages and education and student debt. it makes good policy sense and she can make it happen.
go hillary go! win this one!
Also, she is literally the most qualified person for the position since Lyndon Fucking Johnson. She was passionate about universal health care in the U.S. long before it was cool... before the then-uncorrupted Affordable Care Act was even a twinkle in a young Barack Obama's eye. She has a proven track record of effectively getting legislation passed from her tenure in the senate.
She's been the freaking First Lady, a two-term senator, and the US Secretary of State for fuck's sake. That sentence alone should be more than enough to convince any Dems on the edge that she's worth a vote to beat down Trump.
No, she doesn't play the saxophone or sing. She looks a bit like my mother in more expensive clothes, and my mom had a HELL of a time while in academia getting her ideas across to a 95% male college board. I too am absolutely rooting for her, and I hope the rest of the nation does the same, because she's stepping into an important seat at an important time.
She and Trump were both in MI today. Apparently it's become an anyone's guess kind of state. It's blue, but polling suggests it could flip.