Originally Posted by Severian
Re: Fixing the ACA. (Symbols)
Yeah, I wrote damn dear a full board page about this a couple pages back. I think I went a bit overboard. But yes, you're right. Wasted opportunity by HRC. People depend on ACA but suddenly became even MORE wary of it than they already were.
right. hillary was a shit candidate, let's face it. i was against her vs. obama. this time i supported her because it was she or bernie and i think bernie was too pie in the sky to win (he'd have been branded a red) and hillary had presumed appeal to the working class-- but she didn't. she gored herself. liberal elite bla bla bla. had to keep speaking in long complex sentences for fucks sakes.
anyway look at this--- haaa ahaaa haaaahaaaaa
basically obamacare can't be thrown out (i did read your extensive thing about medical billing changes btw) but perhaps the repukes can fix it since they have all branches of government at their disposal
a few things i wouldn't mind seeing:
--competition across state lines. i can't get freelancers union in NM. stupid. destroy the cartels.
--expanded medicaid and guaranteed for the year for those who get it
--option for catastrophic health insurance + HSAs for healthy people (yours truly). after obamacare those became unavailable to me
--some other way to lower costs. don't know what this could be.