Speaking of that, though... did anyone else read the myriad articles implying or stating outright that Obama was Hillary's "secret weapon?"
Really, there was a great deal of "Don't worry, HRC has the Obama army behind her!"
And she piggy-backed off of his reputation all the way. Even down to the design of her campaign fliers and graphics. Problem is, the Obama "army" -- that teaming mass of people who were crying (good tears!) for Obama in '08 -- is functionally non-existent at this point. Obama spent his White House tenure playing it safe the first time around, and attempting to govern like a guy who was going to be indisputably replaced by a Republican the second time around. He alienated millions and millions of people.
But Jesus Christ. As a PART of that throng of weepy idealists in '08, I was SO full of hope about the future. I do think the last 8 years brought about a renewed emphasis on "Black excellence" and pride, even though Obama "failed" in a number of ways. Now... to see all those people flipping out and LITERALLY DEFECTING ON TRUMP SIGNS is utterly disturbing.
My grandmother died shortly after Obama took office. About 18 months I guess. She said she would die happy if she could see a Democrat in the White House (man she hated Bush, and Bush and Reagan). Seeing a black man take the presidency brought her to tears. When I received my commemorative Obama plate (yes, plate.. I have a commemorative Obama plate.. ha ha) for my donations, I had it mounted for her, next to a framed "Yes We Did" card. She loved it and she was not a sentimental woman.
I think about that stuff now and it makes me crazy. I know it's absurd to get so emotionally attached to a political event, but my grandmother was, and she lived just long enough to see it happen, and she died with a smile.
I feel like Trump has pissed on her grave, as insane as that sounds.
And now that I've said that, I'm going to write myself a note to make an appointment with a therapist first thing Monday morning because I'm clearly losing it.