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Old 11.23.2016, 10:54 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
I just picked up Batman: Year One, so I'll probably read that today. I think I'll leave Detective to the Rebirth TBPs, when they're published.

Well, the thing with TPBs is that you don't have to worry as much about the different titles. Many of them collect all, or a chunk of, the issues in an arc, even if that arc came from multiple titles. Otherwise, they tend to stick to just one story, and often provide a list of where to look for the continuation of that story.

So you might be reading a Batman TPB that pulls content exclusively from Detective Comics ("Batman: the Black Mirror") or from another Bat-title like Legends of the Dark Knight (Batman: "Prey")

Honestly I would advise against deliberately avoiding Detective Comics stories if you're trying to get into Batman. I might even suggest approaching the two titles equally. Batman and Detective Comics are the two long-standing, "permanent" Bat titles. I'm not sure why you would want to put off 77 years of comic in order to read another with which that comic is inexorably linked.

Unless I'm not understanding what your saying?
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