Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Why don't you like the ad? I thought it was funny. And I meant that I felt blocked in by it.
The ad? Why
didn't I like it? Seriously?
I hate all ads. I'm a glutton for some good consumer shit (Apple.) but I fucking hate ads. The only "ads" I sometimes like are movie trailers. I hate that this ad manages to make both Easy Rider and the Coen Brothers feel cheap and face palm-inducing. Seriously, I'm pretty sure I'm objectively correct on this on: that ad is shit, and is borderine offensive to whatever part of me used to be punk before I got a desk job and a 401k.
Also, cheers to Seattle. Or, rather,
"Viva Seattle-Tacoma, Viva viva Sea-Tac!" Suck on that, fat illiterate dickhead administration. So proud of my home state.