Originally Posted by !@#$%!
thanks severian
and shit, fuck, sorry for the bad news but devos got confirmed by the senate with a tiebreaker from pence
i hope she's out very very soon
Yes, I actually got the alert from the Associated Press before they even broke the story. Fucked my morning right up, especially since all that was available via AP was a headline and the words "Story in progress." I already felt fucked in the arse, I didn't have to be technologically frustrated as well!!!
Fucking, motherfucking Mike Pence. It would just HAVE to be the case that he happens to be called upon to give the first vice-presidential tie-breaking vote in the history of US Cabinet appointments. It just FITS perfectly with the fucked-upedness of this godforsaken era.
I, Severian, am more qualified to be the Secretary of Education than this woman is. This is not hyperbole!!! So are most of you! Symbols, want a new job? Anyone ever attend a public school or college and/or sent their children to one? Anyone ever been to a PTA meeting?!! Student taught? SOLD CHOCOLATE FOR YOUR KID'S SOCCER TEAM?!?? Congratulations, you have more expertise than the Secretary of Education.
I'm about to spazz.