Originally Posted by demonrail666
I'd rather, instead of them finding a woman to play the Doctor, just because, that they'd have held out for the right woman, say Tilda Swinton or Helena Bonham Carter. Either of those would've really brought something new to the role, besides just their vaginas. The other problem with going with Jodie Whittaker is if she doesn't work out it'll only make it harder for there to be another woman Dr in the future.
Hmm... Helena, huh? That's actually pretty goddamn great casting! Though honestly I think the gal who payed Missy is what started all of this. She is EXCELLENT. They should have had Capaldo regenerate as her, now that she's a dude again or whatever (haven't finished current season, so NO SPOILERS

Originally Posted by demonrail666
Ark in Space is more just a one off great SF story that anyone could enjoy without any knowledge of bigger themes within the series. The Ark itself doesn't refer to the Tardis.
For getting into those big themes I'd recommend Genesis as a way into the Daleks. It also introduces Davros.
The really vital (and most complex) one, though, is The Master: the Dr's arch enemy. As a way into 'him' I'd recommend The Deadly Assassin (also from the Baker era).
Watch those two and you're pretty much good to go. Although in reality, you could watch any story in any order and not exactly feel lost.
^^ Listen to the man. He knows more about early Doctor than I do by far.
Tom Baker was THE Doctor, at least until Tennant beat him in some BBC poll of all-time favorites. Now I think the two are orettt much tied for significance, but make no mistake, Baker is the dude. And yes, likely the one you'd remember from PBS as a kid.