Originally Posted by demonrail666
Yeah, I was really only connecting the Doctor to Nemo as a way of generally linking the series to writers like Verne.
I agree about the stronger link to someone like Superman, and in keeping with the whole DC/Marvel universe thing, I suppose my main interest in DW is its vast mythos. Star Trek has its mythos too but it doesn't seem as involved. Lovecraft is the other obvious cultural reference point. Perhaps less-so now, with the new incarnation, but the 70s era (Pertwee/Baker) was probably more Lovecraftian than it was anything else.
I still see plenty of Lovecraft in the current stories.*shrug*
The Silence story was very Lovecraftian in how it unfolded, only with a modern guy's-in-suits and tech ... thing. Also, the weeping angels' various storylines, specifically the one involveing cave-diving or whatever the fuck it was. Lol.