I believe in Superman, but I understand that Superman almost certainly does not exist and has never existed. I would never try to make anyone believe that Superman does exist, because not even I believe this definitively; rather, I stubbornly
hope he does, and I consider that hope to be a form of belief.
I understand that I am making a choice to believe in something that I have no logical reason to believe in. I apply the inverse of the falsifiability principle to my spiritual beliefs, and I maintain that in order for something to be truly knowable, it must be testable and subject to negative proof. Humans do not, at this juncture, possess the information to falsify Superman, so staunchly denying Superman’s existence would be anti-scientific.
I am open to all new information, and I hope someday someone has enough information to definitively say that Superman does or does not exist.
In short, I am an optimistic agnostic. Or Kryptonian Orthodox. Whatevs.
For more, check out my tirades in the Trump thread.