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04.04.2018, 08:33 PM
The Soup Nazi
invito al cielo
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Del Boca Vista
Posts: 18,370
This Heat - LSE London June 30 1979 reworked (Sample)
This Heat - August 1, 1980 Claredon Hall, London, UK reseed (Sample)
This Heat - Belgium July 3 1981 MONO reworked (Sample)
This Heat - Meervaart Amsterdam March 14 1982 FM reseed (Sample)
This Heat - May 28, 1982 King's College, London SBD reseed (Sample)
Camberwell Now - Festival Musique Action 21 heures Salle des Fêtes Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, Nancy 25 May 1984 reseed (Sample)
Camberwell Now - Basel / CH Kulturwerkstatt Kaserne 16 June 1984 reseed (Sample)
Charles Hayward & Kaffe Matthews - 2000-04-08 - Basel/CH - Atlantis (Taktlos)(kind of re-seed:same content but different files)
Charles Hayward - RIO Festival Carmaux Sept. 19 2009 reseed (Sample)
aki takase & alexander von schlippenbach - karlsruhe 2018-01-25
You either die a punk or you live long enough to see yourself become classic rock.
The Soup Nazi
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