VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOOTBALL HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is it! Tomorrow I leave on what promises to be a very fantastic road trip to visit Football Heaven! I am so pumped up for this it is hard to be at work. I want to tell these fuckers to go eat shit and leave me alone cuz i am going to football heaven!
I will be taking lots of pictures and having a blast and loving my hotel. i love hotels. I love road trips. I love FOOTBALL, I miss the Oilers so bad. These texans are a bunch of fucking wanna-be's. They are like all green day fans, hoping to suck on the withered teat that used to be punk rock.
I cannot wait! I will not have any internet access unless the Hotel I am at has a internet room. I do not have a laptop. So, this may be the last you hear from me for a week! Have a great week then suckas!!!