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Old 08.02.2006, 10:10 AM   #1
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People Are Dead (Original Version) (2002)
In 2002 Kevin Ford and Angela Bettis found themselves living in a sublet apartment over Ground Zero. The fact that they were living in the Ground Zero neighborhood so recently after the fall of the Twin Towers inspired them to want to make a film. Kevin had written a movie treatment called 'People Are Dead' with the goal of putting together his closest friends who didn't know one another: Angela, Mia Tyler, Cinque Lee, Tasha Guevara, Eddie Steeples, Pat McNolte, among others. The goal was to make a story that would help to inspire those still living in New York to move forward from the tragedy that left them all feeling shell-shocked and often, mentally stuck. The movie was made over the course of two months for a very low-budget and Kevin succeeded in uniting his talented friends for the project. The movie was the metaphor for creating instead of growing stagnant with depression. After completing principal photography, Kevin ran into Sonic Youth's Thurston Moore at a bagel shop near Ground Zero. He told Thurston about his new movie and told him that his dream was to use a medley of songs from Sonic Youth's expansive library to soundtrack the movie. Thurston enthusiastically encouraged Kevin to use their music and told him not to worry about the rights and clearances, saying that a 'producer' could ultimately clear that up. He told Ford that if their music inspired him that much, then he should follow that instinct and use it. Ford did just that. Unfortunately, no magical producers ever manifested to help him clear the rights. As a result, this original version of 'People Are Dead' has been shelved over the years, and only now through the Internet Archive will it finally be available for people to check out.

The following review of 'People Are Dead' has been reprinted from Rue-Morgue magazine:

From a purely cinematic perspective, New York City is in a class of its own. Hell, it's practically the France of the USA! Where would we be without the likes of Abel Ferrara, Larry Fessenden, and Douglas Buck? Well, add to that list director Kevin Ford, who proves with 'People Are Dead' that NYC continues to command the American independent horror film. 'People Are Dead' follows an array of characters loosely connected by the exploits of one of the most sympathetic necrophiliacs in filmdom: a misunderstood young woman who kidnaps dead bodies to shower them with more love and affection than they ever received when alive. With Cassavetes-inspired cinema verite, totally naturalistic performances, and a soundtrack made up entirely of Sonic Youth songs, 'People Are Dead' is Kevin Ford's love letter to New York City's dark undercurrents. As one character puts it, "New York is scary, right? That's what it's meant to be. It's not meant to be friendly. It's the big, bad city." -Stuart Andrews

Director: Kevin Ford
Producer: Kevin Ford
Production Company: Mo-Freek
Audio/Visual: sound, color
Language: English
Contact Information:

Creative Commons license: Attribution-NoDerivs

CAST: Angela Bettis, Mia Tyler, Eddie Steeples, Tasha Guevara, Cinque Lee, Kevin Ford, Will Keenan


MUSIC: Sonic Youth

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