My favorite teams for the past 8 years have been Miami (dan marino fanatic here) and the Titans, because o steve mcnair, but no titans for me no more. I HATE Bud adams. he ripped out the soul of Houston texas by not only taking away the team, but refusing to let th city buy back the rights to the name OILERS, the fucking asshole.
I feel team names shoudl stay with the city. if th owners want to move the teams then let them deal with building up a new brand name and a new team name.
I was so hoping tennessee would win that super bowl. it was the most exciting super bowl.
they actually did that two years after leaving. the first year they were gone they were the tennessee Oilers. that's terrible.
I do not have a team now besides the texans. this is what you must do, support the shit home team, support themm until they get better. I am one of the few who was very glad we did not take reggie bush (greedy pighead did not want to sign a contract before the draft) or Vince Young (fuck UT, vince Young will be a decent quarterback in the NFL at best, that is my prediction.) I ama defensive minded fanatic, and to think we may have someone in mario williams who could be as dominant as reggie white opr deacon jones makes me very very excited. I cannot wait until mario wiliams lays a lick on fucking peytomn manning. the texans play the colts twice a year and shit.