Just went to buy my tickets for ATP in December before bein' confrotned by a large notice sayin:' "This event is for under 18s only. No refunds will be given for under 18s." And as I am only 16, well... bummer!
Is this true or is it just the overeactin' ticket companys, erm... overeactin?'
Is it just an entry age limit?
Will it be enforced tightly?
Any further information on this subject will be greatly appreciated.
It's an almost £200 gamble for me, and I know it's my idols, Sonic Youth I am gamblin' it on and so will probably be worth it, but I'm a tight ol' bugger and 200 quid is a hell of a lot of money to me (and don't even get me started on the 6 hour trek I'll have to complete to get there!)!