I’ve been doing this same 11p-7a gig for the last 28 years......started in the Summer of 1990. I’m certified by the State of Texas and receive my authority from a State Court......and that’s about all I’m going to say about that!
Well, working at night provides opportunity for listening to odd and strange music and I try and savor these opportunities as my retirement will occur in the text two-to-five years.
Oh how I love sleeping during the day!
This comp is the 3rd in the Complexity series......you can see the other two in my last post under the BandCamp thread.
Wronger doesn’t appear on the other two, but some of the other artists do......glad to know you’re digging it!
Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Cool comp. though. I'm 5 songs in and am ESPECIALLY digging this Wronger track. Wow that's interesting.
What sorta gig has you workin'/golfin' at 2:30 in the morning, Bytor?
edit: this Physique Stuff song is neat too. Is this just considered experimental? I like the lo-fi spoken word and piano (sample?) w/ electronic noise, also the use of stereo. Very, very neat