Originally Posted by Antagon
Disorder used to be my favorite song of theirs when I was about 17. I still love it to bits. There's something to that smooth bass and the playful guitar. It just feels so warm, despite the melancholic lyrical input. For me at least, it's probably that playful warmth that sets it apart from the other songs on that album.
Later on, I'd shift my attention towards New Dawn Fades and its heavy atmosphere. I distinctly remember listening to it on my 18th birthday, being on the bus on my ride home from school. Had a shitty day, that song blasting from the headphones and the wintery grey industrial town passing by right next to me. It was just one of those moments that would reassure me that good music can transcend being just temporary noise that may or may not be enjoyable. This was something else entirely.
But damn, the whole album is such an experience. These days I gravitate towards Insight every now and then. Guess it's the ambivalent atmosphere it conveys. There's a bit of warmth in the melodic sections of the arrangement, but the foreboding FX, the pace and of course Ian's tortured voice imply something more sinister. I really like that.
Oh god, New Dawn Fades is brilliant. Day of the Lords is brilliant. Fucking Shadowplay. Goddamn. Yes, all of it. Yes.
I still consider Disorder my favorite on the albums because given its aforementioned position as the lead track, it takes me back to my first time hearing the album at all... way the fuck back when. High school. And as a result, despite not really being a very representative Joy Division song, it’s still the song that kicks off the whole mental experience in my mind.
(Similarly, “I Wanna be Adored” is my favorite song on Stone Roses s/t)
Also, I first heard Unknown Pleasures while in transit. On a bus to be specific. Through some desolate places, too. And at night. A long, nighttime bus trip home from some weekend trip to a friend’s house in the city. It was almost a bit much, as I was alone and not 100% sure I had picked the bus I was supposed to take.
So, it’s a cemented first-time listen for me too.
Because you talked about it, and I replied, and you talked about it more, I too am now listening to Unknown Pleasures.