Christ on a stick, I'm having the worst year of my life. And yes, I'm counting annus horribilis 2016, and also the year my waste-of-oxygen father (now dead, thank goodness - I hope the piece of shit suffered) almost killed my mom. Well, NO, that last one was obviously worse, but I was too little... Lookit, let's move on:
I still worship at the altar of Sleater-Kinney. But the band is over. No "indefinite hiatus" this time; OVER. Even though they existed before Janet (and
Call The Doctor is a masterpiece), when she joined they entered the pantheon of the greatest of the fucking greatest of all time. They became a UNIT in which no member was replaceable.
You come around looking 1984
You're such a bore, 1984!
Having listened to the two new songs they've so far "shared", as the kids say these days (yes, goddamn kids, get off my lawn,

), I actually don't think the new material is necessarily another retro-'80s number — in fact, if you listen to
the performance of "Hurry On Home" on The Tonight Show from last month, the tune sounds like a solid, atemporal Sleater-Kinney single. But even though what matters will always be the music, what on Earth is going on with the image? Janet, a truly attractive woman who's sexy as all hell behind the drums looks... boxed in somehow, like a Lego version of herself. Look at
their promo picture: it's like the St. Vincent influence (and I love Annie) not only went beyond the production to extend to fashion design, it did so on cocaine. Corin is sporting a hairdo that should have indeed died a definitive death in 1984.
Nice words aside, Weiss' departure doesn't quite look amicable. It's unfortunate that they will go ahead with the tour as planned anyway without the best, most exquisitely MUSICAL rock drummer alive.