10.27.2019, 04:59 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Del Boca Vista
Posts: 18,370

Bill Callahan - 2019-10-10 - Copenhagen Vega, DK [aud master]
Neil Young - Perth Entertainment Centre, WA, Australia 1985-03-01
Robyn Hitchcock 2019-10-23 Salford - BBC 6Music [includes collaboration with The Yummy Fur - please read the contrast clause]
Bob Dylan - Live Out Of Time (fan compilation)
Patti Smith 2003-12-31 Bowery Ballroom NYC FIXED
Patti Smith 2005-08-04 Central Park NYC FIXED
John Cale - 1984-02-16 - Copenhagen Saga, DK [aud clone]
The Go-Betweens - Cottesloe Hotel, Perth, WA, Australia 1985-03-04
Grant Hart - Brighton, U.K., The Hope - 2013-10-29 - reseed - Master w. sample & artwork - Minimax-master-series #331
Flipper with David Yow (Jesus Lizard) - 2019-10-23 - The Middle East, Cambridge, MA, USA [AUD]
Melvins 2019-10-18 40 Watt Club - Athens, GA USA (24/48)
Redd Kross 2019-10-18 40 Watt Club - Athens, GA USA (24/48)
VIVIAN GIRLS - The Casbah, San Diego CA, 6th October 2019
You either die a punk or you live long enough to see yourself become classic rock.