Austria has hit record-highs as well, with 11.798 new infections today. Up until a few days ago, the previous high point was at 9000-something per day.
Politicians are currently discussing a lockdown solely for unvaccinated people. Everyone projects that it won't be realistically enforcable due to the lax measures taken up until that point and that soon, we'll find ourselves again in a lockdown for all, unvaxxed and vaxxed.
The state I grew up in is at the forefront of this development, with close to 3000 cases. I remember telling people that checking vaccination statuses at restaurants, bars, public places etc. was not just a suggestion, but a necessity. I've been met with laissez-faire rhetoric at best and subtly hostile attitudes at worst in some scenarios. The numbers were low in Summer. Now they are not. Same development as last year. No lessons learned. I feel like I've been talking through my ass. I'm pissed at people not taking this situation seriously. I'm pissed at anti-vaxxers spreading their toxic B.S. I'm pissed at Upper Austria's rising disconnect from reality and reason.
Fuck people. One thread I'd have loved to fade into obscurity.
