As if to mitigate the frustrated rant above a bit, the city (and state) of Vienna just announced two major things:
1. Clubs, concerts and events with 25 visitors and up are now required to only let in people who are both vaxxed/recently recovered AND able to produce a negative PCR-test.
2. The period after which someone is able to get a booster shot has been lowered to 4 months after the initial immunization. And dates are already available.
So I just booked my third shot. For all the frustrations I had up to this Summer, Vienna's sort of been on a roll ever since. At least administratively so. Randos in public are a different story altogether. There's no guarantee those extra-measures will stop the currently massive spread in its tracks, but for a while now, Vienna had the lowest numbers of infections per capita as compared with the other Austrian states/provinces. Having been the hardliner (Vienna has had the strictest measures of all the regions in Austria for some time now) for a while kind of/sort of paid off. I hope that trend continues.
I also hope that some of the other provinces learn to make some goddamn sense and take proper measures as well.
