symbols! puts a grin on my face to see you around.
who in the "conservative movement" is actually conservative anymore?
what they have now is right wing populism fueled by moral panics and slightly high prices (not even hyperinflation like the 30s, but people are more spoiled and overreact more now lol)
you'd think we're in economically wrecked argentina or criminally hijacked el salvador, but nope. the american economy is in good shape, crime is historically low, and inflation is now back down to almost normal, although yes prices are sticky, so old high prices are annoying people until wages catch up. everything is good and normal, but the crowd "feels" things are bad
and cults of personality are anything but conservative as mein führers of all ages show. and in 'merica, a land without kings... to see ex conservatives kissing the ring is disturbing as fuck. all that ass-licking. sure, obama was charismatic, but defied on a regular basis. this thing we have now is grotesque
and with economic policy, it's shaping up to be anything but conservative. republicans always cry about debt when out of power, but expand the deficit when in power. trumpo promises to remove any semblance of fiscal restraint, and his followers *do not care*
anyway, morgellons pizzagate jewish laser something lol. alternative facts!
but yes, the world is fucked basically hahahaha.
you're possibly right about the former and you're definitely right about the latter.
gotta hold on to the very few remaining nice humans on this hellhole, and i suspect you're one of the finest.