you all cockheads
of course these smilies here are not the best, but fuck, the web is not text-only, and so graphics are helpful/useful/fun.
if you want text only please travel back to the 19th century, preferrably before the advent of photography.
smilies actually help avoid the constant melodrama of multiple misunderstandings piled one atop of another. "dry wit" is often mistaken by insensitive asininity, "sarcasm" for having one's head up one's asshole, and so forth.
because it's hard to establish TONE in short, spastic, careless communications like the shit that goes on here.
yes, TONE, FACIAL EXPRESSION, BODY LANGUAGE, and hundreds of other clues we get when we communicate face to face. and which fully help us discern meaning.
it's not like you fuckers are masters of prose, wits worthy of jonathan swift. i apologize but-- get real. you fuckers need smilies like larry flint needs his wheelchair.
oh yes