since ive been injesting more drugs than food these days i've lost a minor bit of weight but since school is starting and that'll be reversing im sure, i'll throw it back on .
ive gained 20 pounds in the last 2 years .
i care because i really like to feel sexy and get frisky . but i cant when i feel that my body is all gloopy .
im horrible with clothes, hate shopping , so the ways in which i can dress to look good and distinguish certain areas while distracting "troublesome" areas is totlaly lost on me . im totally style-less .
sometimes i look at myself and think hey im not so bad . i actually HAVE a waistline . its all about confidence and attitude anyways, right ?
but my confidence is easy to crumble . fat chicks just DONT look good in fishnets .
and yes , im sorry , sometimes i DO want to impress particular others . i WANT to be sexy to a particular someone , and be wanted , and frolick . im not a meat-market type of person, im actually thinking of someone i have a huge crush on in mind . my hormones are SCREAMING .
anyways, what ? otherwise, im settling for the guy that'll do the fat chick ?