Someone I know posted this on a myspace bulletin. I thought this was kind of funny and lame - this Cheapo record store chain is probably the place where this band would sell most of their cds in the area. I haven't heard this band Faggot yet, but they recently had the cover of our local weekly.
A 'gentleman' from the self-proclaimed "best band in the Twin Cities" (um, what?) flicked a bunch of thumb tacks at one of my best friend's face today. He was putting up Faggot posters. So, I hope I don't anger any Hot Topic or Saint Sabrina's fans here.. but...
Rae Rae is an underpaid clerk who is unfortunate enough to have to make a "living" at Cheapo in uptown. This cocksucker was tearing down other bands' posters in the entryway (doing us all a favor since they are the only good band in MPLS, right?), and she had asked him to stop. He turned to her and started to freak out about "corporate this" and "corporate that" - all to a chick who works for $8.00 an hour at a locally-owned record store. He started going off about how she was corporate evil and all this shit. Then he threw tacks at her (tacks probably manufactured by a corporate manufacturing company, so who's supporting who here) and jumped on his stinky bike (probably made by a corporate bike company) and rode off. At least we know he's not supporting Dove or Johnson & Johnson or Suave. And I bet the clothes he was wearing were all hand made locally by independantly owned tight-pants companies, right?