Originally Posted by 3x1minus1

they opened with candle... even did skip tracer. mm, sonic youth. i love you. my biggest gripe is that the set was too short and stuff. (ween? what the hell? what happened there? oh well. we got to leave early, then..) they took the stage about 10 minutes after we finally found the actual grandstand and our seats. (ny state fair: wtf? another gripe in itself..)
here's some little clips...
jams run free:
pink steam:
not complete/sorry for the people in the way, blah blah.
yeah, we got there way too late, riding in from buffalo... i knew it was a good possibility that i'd miss a portion of SY since my gfriend had a class that afternoon and couldn't skip out (its grad school ya know...) anyways got to the Moheacan shitstand and heard the band in the middle of "100%" by the time we got to our seats they starting playing Jams run free and closed w/ Pink Steam, so i only got to see 3 fuckin' songs!!!
oh well... thurston made the comment to the audience that he got food poisoning the day before at the allentown state fair, from the little i saw of the band to me they did not look very lively at all and abit run down just standing there except kim's dancing during jams... anyways how was the rest of the set, waht else was played... damn i missed Candle.