I just got back from this show and all I have to say is "wow."
Here's the setlist (I nabbed it from the stage):
Skip Tracer
What a Waste
Teen Age Riot
Do You Believe in Rapture?
Turquoise Boy
Jams Run Free
Pink Steam
The Neutral
World Looks Red
Shaking Hell
After the show I hung around for a little while and got my setlist signed by Mark Ibold who then signed my ticket as well. I found Steve mingling around and I asked him if he could sign my ticket. He didn't have a pen and neither did his wife (or gf?) so, what does Steve sign my ticket with? His woman's lip liner. She said it was Lancome. I also got Lee to sign my ticket as well.
Terrific show ALL around. I had my friend Jessy by my side. I was surprised by how many young kids were there. I counted a lot of kids with braces. They seemed really out of place. Ugh. Thurston also devoted "The Neutral" to the kids at Boston University, of which I am one.
Ahh that was amazing. I hope a recording of that show ends up traded soon.
