04.09.2006, 11:55 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: mars attacks
Posts: 42,683
i just couldn't have said this better:
Originally Posted by truncated
I didn't used to mind khchris, despite the fact that we've had numerous disagreements. In fact, I liked him as a poster, because he seems to actually possess some intelligence, and he is very engaging in a debate. I even told him as much.
However, with his random, arbitrary troll accusations, absurd paranoia of social persecution, and nauseating need for attention, I simply cannot tolerate him any longer. He has this strange compulsion to be contentious and instigatory, and I'm not sure what motivates it. Does he think it's conducive to more lively debates? Does he simply enjoy being the devil's advocate?
Or is he one of the most passive-aggressive dickheads I have ever encountered?
I'll opt for number three.
He tries to inflame posters with seemingly offhand comments, which are in actuality carefully constructed to instigate his targets. Said target naturally gets angry and lashes out against khchris, which is EXACTLY what he wants - he's now got them engaged in an argument, one which he can claim to be blameless in starting. He then hounds them ceaselessly, constantly baiting the poster, and THEN comes whining to the rest of the board about constantly being picked on and harassed. It's carefully crafted from the beginning, and amounts to a long-winded textual version of "Hey, look at me, PLEASE pay attention to me!"
please people, read and remember these words. pure analytical genius.