eh! who doesn't believe in animal testing?
let us know how the tumours develop...
Ask A Scientist
General Science Archive
Bread Mold Toxicity
name Adam C.
status student
age 13
Question - Is bread mold harmful to humans and animals when consumed?
Bread molds are "benign" meaning that they are generally not harmful. Molds are a complex group
of fungi, and all fungi should be regarded with caution. Here is a quote from an informative
web site on types of mold found around homes:
"Penicillium (pen-uh-sill’-ee-um) - contaminant / opportunistic pathogen, one of the most
common genera found worldwide in soil and decaying vegetation and indoors in dust, food,
and various building materials. Common bread mold is a species of Penicillium. Spores usually
cannot be distinguished from Aspergillus on non-cultured samples (like tape-lifts and air-o-
cells). It is reported to be allergenic, to cause certain infections in compromised
individuals, and some species do produce toxins unhealthy to humans."
See this newspaper article for an interesting perspective on some of the hazards of mold:
J. Elliott
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so actually you have a good chance of coming out unscathed from this dietary experience