I love wild mushrooms, but yea canned ones are a bit oddly textured or something along those lines. Wild morels, chanterelles and certain boletes are great.... and a bit of the ol psilocybe in the fall. (halloween)
can't eat much poultry, save pheasant and grouse.
don't eat much factory meat. rather eat moose, elk, caribou or what not. I find wild meat tastes better.
I occasionally switch to vegetarion with the exception of fish being still eaten. I do this to give my body time to get out all the heavier meats. It keeps the weight down too.
I really don't like alcohol at all. I love grass though.
i don't know. i like most foods. I don't like pickles, mostly due to my dislike of vinegar. I find it tastes like what I'd expect bad poison to taste like.
mangoes taste like gasoline and avocadoes taste like shitty clay.
Jeg kysser katastrofer.