Once you hear Steve Reich's music, you will instantly say, "Oh yes, I know that style." It's been widely imitated and featured in films and on the radio.
To hear it in the concert hall is an altogether different and better experience. Here's the list of upcoming New York performances, billed collectively as the Steve Reich@70 festival.
From 2 to 6 p.m. Oct. 15, the Whitney Museum will present its tribute in the third floor Peter Norton Family Galleries. Performers include the new music ensembles Alarm Will Sound, PRISM Saxophone Quartet, So Percussion and the Manhattan School of Music's TACTUS, as well as Ransom Wilson and
Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth. The afternoon includes performances of "It's Gonna Rain" (1965), "Marimba Phase" (1967), "Pendulum Music" (1968), "Four Organs" (1970), "Clapping Music" (1972) and "Proverb" (1995)....